Understanding XML






All .xml files must contain the following as the first lines of the file.


These lines are referred to as the “front-matter”, and they tell Github to process the page so it can be loaded in the app.


After the front matter, all further content must be wrapped in a <page> tag.

    <!-- all content goes in here -->


The <divider> tag inserts a dividing line between the prior and following content.

    <body>Here's some text</body>
    <divider />
    <body> Here's more text</body>


Platform Conditional

The platform attribute can be applied to any non-<page> element. Certain values will restrict the element to only be displayed on certain platforms.

For example, an element with the platform="desktop" attribute will only appear when the application is running on desktop devices.

The valid attribute arguments are:

  • “mobile”
  • “desktop”

Any other arguments will be ignored.

In general you should not use this! Only use it for situations where an element should only appear on mobile or desktop platforms (like a quit button).




The <title> tag renders the text within in a large, bold font. It is similar to the <h1> tag in HTML.


The <subtitle> tag renders the text within in a slightly smaller font than the title. It is similar to the <h2> tag in HTML.


The <body> tag renders the text within in a regular font suitable for reading. It is similar to the <p> tag in HTML.


The <caption> tag renders the text within in a small, light-colored font.


The <image> tag renders an image based on the provided attributes. When clicked, the image will expand into a full-screen view.

Attribute Requirement Argument
src required a link to the image file (relative to the root directory of the data repository)
title optional a title to display under the image
description optional a subtitle to display under the image

The source image file must be either .png, or .jpg.


        title="Scooby Doo"
        description="Where are you?"


The <gallery> tag is similar to the <image> tag, in that it displays a single image. The difference is that, when the image is tapped, it expands into a full-screen view with “previous” and “next” controls to cycle through the galleries content.

Attribute Requirement Argument
src required a link to the cover image file (relative to the root directory of the data repository)
title optional a title to display under the cover image
description optional a subtitle to display under the cover image

The <gallery> tag can only contain <gallery-image> tags and comments as children.

The <gallery-image> tag should only be used within a <gallery> tag. It is otherwise identical to the <image> tag.

The source image files must be either .png, or .jpg.


        title="A Gallery"
        <gallery-image src="/assets/example/gallery1.png" title="Alpha">
        <gallery-image src="/assets/example/gallery2.png" title="Beta">
        <gallery-image src="/assets/example/gallery3.png" title="Gamma">




The <audio> tag renders an audio player based on the provided attributes. When clicked, the audio player will start/stop playing.

Attribute Requirement Argument
src required a link to the audio file (relative to the root directory of the data repository)
icon-src optional a link to an image file (relative to the root directory of the data repository), to be displayed on the audio player
title optional a title to display next to the icon
description optional a subtitle to display next to the icon

The source audio file must be either .mp3, .wav. The source icon file must be either .png, or .jpg.


        title="Groovy Tunes"
        description="Mystery Inc"



All of the interaction-related tags make use of an action – argument system. This is defined by a list of action(s)

action-0="..." action-1="..."

and their associated argument(s)

action-0-argument-0="..." action-0-argument-1="..." action-1-argument-0="..."

For example, to open the menu and set the app’s calendar to 1820, the actions would be

action-1-argument-1="1820 CE"
Action Argument(s) Functionality
application:open-url any url leaves the app and opens the given url in the device's web browser
application:quit quits the application completely. you should be careful to only use this for quit buttons!
menu:toggle toggles the menu state (opens it if it's closed, and closes it if it's open)
menu:close closes the menu
menu:open opens the menu
menu:next-page the name of a page (as it appears in the _pages directory, without the .xml at the end) opens the specified page
menu:previous-page opens the previously opened page
history:set-year any integer (e.g. 1820), followed by a string description of the preceding integer sets the current year that the fort is viewed in
player:teleport either 3 floats (position x, y, and z), 5 floats (position x, y, and z, normalizedYaw, normalizedPitch), or 6 floats (position x, y, and z, normalizedYaw, normalizedPitch, and normalizedZoom) Teleports the player to the specified position, and optionally points the camera in the specified direction
player:set-mode toggle, first-person, or overview sets the camera mode to the specified mode (if no argument is provided, or the argument is toggle, then the mode is toggled)
developer:clear-cache clears out the cached content stored on device
developer:refresh-content either no argument, or a url reloads all the content from the given url (or the production data repository if no url is specified)
tooltips:disable-on-page disables all tooltips while the given page is open. (NOTE: this can only be applied as an attribute to a <page> component)


The <button> tag renders a button that users can click to control functionality in the app.

Attribute Requirement Argument
title optional a title to display on the button
description optional a subtitle to display on the button
style optional an optional style to apply to the button. valid arguments are "negative", "positive", or nothing (for the default style)
action-X optional an action to perform when the button is clicked
action-X-argument-Y optional the Yth argument for the Xth action


        Clicking this will teleport the player to (5, 4, 3)
        and set their normalized yaw and pitch to 0.5



The <icon-button> tag renders a square icon button that users can click to control functionality in the app.

Attribute Requirement Argument
src required a link to the icon file (relative to the root directory of the data repository)
action-X optional an action to perform when the button is clicked
action-X-argument-Y optional the Yth argument for the Xth action

The source icon file must be either .png, or .jpg.





The <timeline> tag renders a list of buttons, each representing a year. The correct year is highlighted based on the app calendar.

Attribute Requirement Argument
collapsible optional true or false
title optional a title to display on the timeline button (only visible if collapsible is true)
description optional a subtitle to display on the timeline button (only visible if collapsible is true)
action-X optional an action to perform when any button in the timeline is clicked
action-X-argument-Y optional the Yth argument for the Xth action

The <timeline> tag should only contain <timeline-button> tags and comments as children.


The <timeline-button> tag renders a button within a <timeline> tag. If the calendar year matches the buttons year, then the button is highlighted.

Attribute Requirement Argument
year required an integer (e.g. 1820)
title optional a title to display on the button
description optional a subtitle to display on the button
action-X optional an action to perform when the button is clicked
action-X-argument-Y optional the Yth argument for the Xth action



        Closes the menu when ANY button in the timeline is clicked,
        and sets the calendar to a different year depending on the button.
        description="A set of years"
            action-0-argument-1="1820 CE"

            description="Something happened in 1910"
            action-0-argument-1="1910 CE"

            description="Something REALLY happened in 2021"
            action-0-argument-1="2021 CE"
